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[RESOLVED] error in update with by web browser in MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle

Summary by Ciencia Al Poder
Beginneruser (talkcontribs)

We were dealing with a problem during installation MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle in step upadte database with by web browser

[f18f0cca] /mediawiki/mw-config/ Exception from line 341 of /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/MagicWord.php: Error: invalid   magic word 'babel'
#0 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/MagicWord.php(264): MagicWord->load(string)
#1 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/parser/Parser.php(5159): MagicWord::get(string)
#2 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/extensions/Babel/BabelStatic.class.php(22): Parser->setFunctionHook(string, array)
#3 [internal function]: BabelStatic::onParserFirstCallInit(Parser)
#4 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/Hooks.php(206): call_user_func_array(string, array)
#5 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(3995): Hooks::run(string, array, NULL)
#6 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/parser/Parser.php(279): wfRunHooks(string, array)
#7 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/parser/Parser.php(291): Parser->firstCallInit()
#8 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/parser/Parser.php(5000): Parser->clearState()
#9 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/parser/Parser.php(377): Parser->startParse(Title, ParserOptions, integer, boolean)
#10 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/installer/Installer.php(631): Parser->parse(string, Title, ParserOptions, boolean)
#11 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/installer/WebInstaller.php(676): Installer->parse(string, boolean)
#12 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/installer/WebInstallerPage.php(392): WebInstaller->getInfoBox(string)
#13 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/installer/WebInstallerPage.php(380): WebInstallerExistingWiki->showKeyForm()
#14 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/includes/installer/WebInstaller.php(280): WebInstallerExistingWiki->execute()
#15 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/mw-config/index.php(79): WebInstaller->execute(array)
#16 /home/.../domains/.../public_html/mediawiki/mw-config/index.php(38): wfInstallerMain()
#17 {main}

in main page show this message:

A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

As the error is the "invalid magic word 'babel'", is the Babel Extension installed?

Beginneruser (talkcontribs)

Hi Malyacko
I'm First upload and Extract MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle in Mediawiki directory then run update by browser. during update I recive top error
I can not access to shell and me want to wiki multi lang ; please help me
Thank You

Beginneruser (talkcontribs)


Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Truncate (delete all rows of the table, but not the table itself) the l10n table, and the contents of the cache directory (if configured). See Localisation#Caching.

Slashme (talkcontribs)

I have the same problem.

My cache directory is empty, and I tried truncating the l10n_cache table, but it doesn't help.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

I didn't remember that I created myself a bug about that, See task T69877. I've placed a warning on Extension:Babel telling that the extension is incompatible with the web installer.

Since the Babel extension doesn't need schema updates, you can safely disable it when running the web updater, and enable it afterwards.

Beginneruser (talkcontribs)

Best Soultion for this problems is creat wiki by XAMPP in your computer,Beacuse you access SSH and update script whit by php maintenance/update.php.Then import your all data (LocalSettings.php; image directory, custom skin,custom templates, all contents) from old wiki to new wiki in end upload new files and new database in your shared host. Note: Before upload new files and new database create full backup from your site.

Nsgaeverine (talkcontribs)

I think that seems to be the problem when I tried to upgrade to 1.25, but it has either been about seven years since I done something like that or just haven't done it.

Just downloaded and installed the XAMPP on my computer and now have no clue whatsoever

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